- minuman yang disediakan adalah standard. x payah nak ditambah atau ditolak apa2 lagi.
- makanan yang juga standard juga memuaskan.
- yang lain korang sendiri pown tahu kan

- "caiz, jelez gler tgk ur body! slim & slender je"
- "len la cam u caiz mkn byk but body maintain je"
- ayat yg paling nyampah tuk dengar " berat ko ni berat awek lg je!"

got two stories to write..hehe..i think my blog will publicize by its own but then till now only 3 followers for my blog =(
l8r on i upload pictures of my day kay..daa~

3 days in a row i'm had attend sports activities
AUGUST 15 2009
be a volunteer 4 sukan universiti kebangsaan Malaysia and also a negotiator for police escort. quite a new experience for me.
AUGUST 16 2009
as what U.S.R plan i shud be the one who driving safety car but then when it come to 'sudden death' means people are tiring and asking for extra air for them 2 cont life..hehe.. the hero which is me come for rescue.. so now i'm the cyclist oso..ngee~
AUGUST 17 2009
TODAY..for a long time i had left golf and today is the day where i become tiger caiz..haha..it's a tough course at DANAU ukm, so i didn't manage to get a good score for diz tournament. the story goes when i'm heading to my kancil, suddenly one chinese guy came to me and asking for my buggymate score. he didn't satisfied that my buggymate score was better than him. i also think my buggymate doesn't play well.haha*ape la caiz ni* so then he asked me to be his witness.ngaa.. malas kowt. tp x pe la. i told him bout our game.. ;D
btw my dad jdk saksi kt industrial court cuz the judge says that the witness is jujur dan x pandai menipu.so my dad side win for dat case!crite nak bgtaw kt sni anaknye jugak jujur cm bapak nye..
dats all from me now..i'm goin back to ampang..daa!

Hepi birthday hot guys, aiman..hot 20!!
now i'm waiting till u call me then hav some chuckling on phone.the conversation kinda be like;*hehe*
jagen: shai, smlam bpe aribulan? don't u feel any strange last n8 than the other n8?
caiz: last n8 was same like d other n8..doesn't feel anything pown..chill je cam bese kowt..asal?sssasupp
jagen: nothin sje tnye2..x bley ke? sure x rase pape my man?
caiz: haha..shud i feel anything.. last n8 my cred & my bat full je..x bpe nak pkai..
jagen: ok la..sje je cal ni nak tnye apa kabar..bye
caiz:bye =p
if u find this 1st me means u r really smart.hehe.i hope all ur ambitous will be just like what u'd plan. i'm really glad our path crossed, i'm lucky, to have u around alt there lots of stupid thngs. i wont forget every single advise u gave me since we were 14 until now, thanks for being by side at times i really need u.
though i'm not celebrate wif u, deep inside i know that guys like u deserves to be happy not only today but every single day. cuz u always make people around u laugh wif ur craziness. stay the way u r bro. hate u but then luv u more.
x taw nak tuih pe kat blog...tp cam shitronox je bace blog org len..alasannye aq tuih blog ni sbg tanda penghargaan @ appreciation kt kengkawan yg menulis blog n dpt membahagiekan diri pembacanye..
the topic was there no right or wrong in life. it seems like a dull topic but then i realized that this topic got a quite sophisticated meanings that i can and always wanted to share wif. it start wif the day...on august 11 2009, ube & i were planning to do some outdoors activities in the evening. our 1st plan was we are going to gym for 1 and half hours workout but then i got another briliant idea which is goin to driving range to swing some golf balls. so then after asar pray i txt ube that our plan for dz eve is playing golf.
at the driving range- hehe...i bring some of my golf club which is pitching, no.7 and driver that belongs to my dad..i was very xcited at 1st snce this is my 1st time i bring my dad driver to act like my own club which dz driver cost about 1k++..haha...nowadays my dad is trust me like he never done it before. which means i'm totally matured at my parents eyes now. go back to range, ube was new in dz game so i hav to teach him for a while then it's ok. the story goes wif i take driver and hit some balls. suddenly a myvi car come wif her mother in bmw*i think she's not her mother bcz her hometown is penang bt nvm* and then her mother go to the reception to make a report that white myvi mirror's was hitted by a golf ball's. owh, pity for her.. bcz of the golf ball's her front new myvi mirror was cracked. but then the range manager told her that she shud not make report at here bcz of they are not responsible to those balls that golfers hits. so then they asked that girl to make that report 2more at Kelab Golf Danau UKM. the best part is when pakcik next to my bay go to that girl car..
act part...since that pakcik go to the car..me as an educated person also wanted to show my humanity and sikap "Kesian kat org yg dlm kesusahan"..hehe..as i do so..pg la jgk kt kete minah ni..in a god sake she is one of my clazm8 for fundamental of corporate finance..hehe..quite a cute girl gak la die ni, thats one of the factor i want to show my kindness la kan..=p so then pakcik tu cerite ttg pengalaman die ngan cermin depan kereta die..he told that it is useless if the girls go to danau bcz danau is not the one who incharge of the driving range. *it crash her heart in front of her beloved white myvi *
this part yg i LOIKE secare x sengaje..b4 that there is a story about this kind of people la, i means the driving range management.the last time i saw things like this were at cheras where the driving range is placed in the middle of town whereby at the right and in front of is surrounded by house and at the left of the range is shop lots and food stalls. the case is the same people hit golf balls then hit other peoples car. then when the car owner's come to claim to the range management they denied thier faulties..back to where the stories goes. while 'pakcik' bz telling his xperience to that girl mother. i also bz..bt wif xchange no wif that girl..haha..she told that tommorrow she'll be calling me for any assistance..for god's sake i'm a gentleman kowt.. haha.. i think i learn it while playing golf kowt. sincerely i really learn this part of life from game. milo thought was right "the more we play the more we learn"..
end of this part.
really appreciate reader's comment..sorry for my broken english..still learning to higher my grade