Bila kita jumpa kawan baru. selepas buntu tak taw nak tanya ape mesti kene back 2 basic question. dulu skola mane ye?
ada beberapa jawapan yang akan diberikan oleh mereka:
1. kepada yang bajet skola terkenal satu dunia dengan secara bangga mereka akan menjawab nama skola mereka *bajet gler*
2. kepada yang rasa cam nak perkenalkan skola mereka juga akan menjawab nama skola tetapi dlm cara yang lebih spesifik
3. jawapan mintak smash!!! "Sekolah saya sekolah biasa je" nak tanya sket, sekolah luar biasa tu skola ape? jawapannya = sekolah mutant *huhu :P*
inilah pintu masuk RMC..besenya org taw je sekolah ni yg baik :) & x percaya caiz skola sini dulu
The question had been asked by my Accounting Information System 2 lecturer. he's really have chinese looks. The class was start @ 2pm n suppose end @ 5pm, but then i only can follow his claz til 3 sumthin..then my eyes started seeing all the stars & the lecture become bedtime stories..all of sudden, the claz became quite *it's sign that lecture is finish odi* huuu...
ok. wake up caiz!!!'s stil early guys. now is 5 mins passed 4 & we hav another hour 2 go. so since today is our 1st claz lets introduce urself fellas...
after some of us had introduce their self now is my turn.ok. just a second before i started to introduce myself. the lecturer was start stories of school background! what a coincidence.
Lecturer: if we were in iium. their student most come from islamic school.
caiz: "islamic la sangat, dengar cter dr. cinta kat sana kowt"huhu :P
L: than in ipta, most of student are from technics ayte..
C: eh3...suke la wani tu :P
L: as i from boarding i like 2 ask u guys from which school u are..huhu
Lecturer: mr. caiz, which school do u come from?
Caiz: *eh? tadi x de pown tanye skola tibe part aq pandai je mulakan skola. baeklah turn aq jawab je la ye* RMC
L: Pardon.
C: RMC!!
L: owh. my dad was teach there when i was a boy. he was Head of Arts a.k.a HOA
C: mate da sepet. maybe die ni Hafizul Ong son's kowt. tp HOA tu anak die pompuan je yg aq taw
L: in RMC they have that HOA & Head of Science rite
C: ya2..*x kan la die anak HOA. abesla kene red nose aq nie...*
L: so where on earth student from boarding school huh?
C: *student from boarding school ni, yang pandai pegi overseas, yang agak nak pandai scholar amek bawak masuk ipts, yang sedang2 sedap ni masuk ipta, yang laen ngah sambung blaja kt ipta & ipts dalam dip, & kerja kt Barbalos sorang*ish.menda simple camni pown x taw
C: *ayah die ni bukan Hafizul Ong Abdullah la..rupe je cina, tp ayah dia baik kowt!!huhu
last skali..pada orang yang terakhir
L: so skola mane?
student: skola biasa je :(
The moral of the story is, school is just a platform for u 2 learn & finish your teenage world, YOU are the one who shine & empowered yourself to facing the real world. dun be shy if u are not from the only government called *elit school*. come on la, bribe byk sgt, so the government x mampu nak buat semua skola lengkap.
So we as the future leader will gives a new hopes of brighter future for our future generation :D
Last but not least. i do not like double standard and judge people by their looks. i am an easy going type of person guys. i'll be good and will always try to be as what u fellas want :)

BACK IN 2009