everything that if we take one thing than we had to sacrifice others is call ' KOS MELEPAS' a.k.a sunk cost in accounting terms.
there are many things that we had to choose that fulfill our friends and our need and also there will be somebody who didn't satisfied other person. is't bring the same means like sunk cost? =p. then i always listen to my hockey coach that "when we do things, we CAN NOT satisfied everybody in this world". owh, yeah!! this quote always motivate me to go a step further when i'm doing something.
Why I choose to help out person:
1st of all, that the best thing that i think if i'm doing it i'll be closer to Allah Heaven.
2nd thing is, it's lots of fun and also cools thing to do
3rd is, it's new experience when we try to serve for people. different people has different perspective so we hav try to use different approach with different people
4.00, when i help people i feel my target to reach 4 flat in life is become nearer and nearer :)
for the best reason, that's all for tonight. bye2 :)
rindu nyer ngan shai....
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